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Do I have to submit at least 5000 terms, only from one language pair?

I translate and define terms in several languages. When the terms I translated/defined are counted to make payments, will they be counted as all the terms translated/defined from all language pairs, or will they be counted as terms translated/defined from a particular language pair to count the terms I have contributed by myself?
  • 분야/도메인: 전체
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  • Created: 02:50, 1 December 2011

답변 (1)


Hi Samudra, Every language pair is counted together - you don't have to limit yourself to a single pair. To ensure translation quality though, you should be a native speaker of your target language(s). Thanks, Adam

20:58, 1 December 2011


Hi Adam, Thank you for your answer. I do translations in seven languages (English, Sinhalese,Tamil, Hindi, French,Chinese,Sanskrit) And I am a native speaker of the first 4 languages too. I'll make sure to choose my target languages from my native languages as much as possible. Thank you. ^_^

22:32, 1 December 2011

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